Wednesday 22 December 2021

Day 22 - Could've Been Summer - Maggie Chapman

'Could've Been Summer'  comes from an unnamed sampler Christmas album I have.

 Unusually for me, I have no idea where the album came from originally, or why it's in my iTunes library. I've been unable to find anything about Ms. Chapman either; the track isn't (wasn't!) on YouTube or Spotify and a Google search revealed precious little bar the fact the song was originally released as a single in 2013 followed by a debut album a year after and nothing since. I did find a small bio on Allmusic which gave an email address for contact but even then a request to load the track onto YouTube bounced back.

It's a shame as 'Could've been Summer' is a lovely, heartfelt song about a failed relationship that the singer wishes had finished in Summer so that she could have had more time to get back on her feet again. Bless her for even thinking that's a thing.

This deserves to be heard more though and failing all else I've taken it upon myself to load my own video - regulars here at the Calendar will recognise a familiar theme - and if Ms. Chapman wants to contact me then she knows where I am.

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